Upright and ready to go; how one flight attendants gentleness can reminds us that God is good.

This morning as I was taking off for a flight to California, I began to doze off before we even made it off the ground. My seat was only a few centimeters from being in the upright position. I woke up to the flight attendant pressing the back of my seat forward and holding down the button next to my hand. In a daze I looked at him as he said, “were getting ready for take off. I needed to make sure you were upright and ready to go.” 

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the Right intention with the wrong destination; what I learned when I accidentally drove to Canada.

Because the truth is, we can spend a lot of time heading in the wrong direction if we are not paying attention to what is taking place around us. Casualness can be costly when it boils down to the purpose God has placed within us. It's so easy to get caught up with our own train of thought and never stop to think, "is where I am headed where I am supposed to be going?" 

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Speak to The Rock; Are we walking over details?

However, last week during my afternoon walk, I walked by a woman shuffling her fingers through the rocks. As I smiled to say hello she stopped me, lifting the rock in her hand closer for me to see she said, “isn’t it amazing the details that one rock can have.” She was quick to point out the heart shaped pattern embedded into one stone and ringlet features of another. I thought about how many times I’ve walked over those rocks, unenthused by their details.

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You can't just swing to swing; the danger of living casually

As I reiterated these words in my mind, I could feel the power shift through my hands. I could feel my feet becoming more firm and my aim becoming more accurate. No longer was I casually swinging but I was intentionally setting myself up to connect and follow through.

I’ve been learning a lot about the dangers of living casually and the power that flows through us when we live with intent. Anyone can stand at the plate, start swinging, and completely miss the thing they were intended to connect with.

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I believed that leaving a place meant leaving it’s problems too.

At one point in time, I believed that leaving a place meant leaving it’s problems too. When I felt like I couldn’t measure up, I’d crave starting over. It took me uprooting from 4 states to learn that the battles we face don’t lie between city limit signs. Feelings of disappointment, discontentment and unsettledness have less to do with proximity and more to do with our own predisposition.

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Britney Rose Ditzig
He doesn’t want to make the old you better.

You will always find a reason as to why right now isn’t the best time to surrender your life and sacrifice your lifestyle. There will always be another party, another significant other, another lay-off, another wedding, and another ______________. That keeps you from stepping into the fullness of God

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Britney Rose Ditzig

One day while working on handstands, I was having a hard time finding my balance. Everytime I would kick up, I would immediately come down. Out of frustration, I sat on my knees and had an inclination to try kicking up from there. To my surprise, I immediately found my balance.

As I’ve practiced this skill over the last couple of weeks, I have found something so interesting about the placement of our hands. If you reach too far forward, you can’t make it off the ground. The only way for you to successfully get up, stay balanced, and hold still is to reach for what is directly in front of you.

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Britney Rose Ditzig
Consider The Source

“Good news, you don’t need new tires. Actually your tires are in great condition. You’ve got another 10,000 miles at minimum. The bad news, whoever they are. They lied to you. I hate to break it to you but sometimes the people you trust... can’t be trusted.”

Initially, I was thrilled to save $800.00 but as I’ve processed this over the last few weeks I can’t help but wonder. Are there any other circumstances in my life that cause me to live anxiously, in fear of breaking down on this journey?

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Britney Rose Ditzig

Over the intercom, our flight attendant makes us aware that this flight will not be leaving because of a small glitch in the sensor. She invites us to visit a desk agent or call to rebook and then she prompts us to leave the plane. Instead, I sat there for a minute and just let people pass by. In this space, I sit, I breathe, and I wait. Confident that I will get where I need to be and still unsure of what that journey will entail.

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Britney Rose Ditzig

Until today, for the life of me, I couldn’t understand why God decided to write in the Bible over and over again what color each thread was, what cloth came from who, and why Gold, Blue, Purple, and Scarlet are the primary colors He chose. So many times over the last few days I’d catch myself saying, “God why does this even matter? Where’s the cloud that’s about to lead them? Show me the good stuff!” Then I heard His gentle whisper, “because details matter.” 

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Britney Rose Ditzig
Is it working?

But, I think Peter, was on to something in the telling of His story. Maybe, to move forward, we have to be willing to go back to where the storm began. Maybe walking in faith is less about changing places and more about inviting His presence to the very place we are in.

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Britney Rose Ditzig

Since meeting Jennifer, I’ve come to learn that there is a catastrophic impact one person can have by clinging to what is comfortable. That living in awareness and pushing against what is convenient, really can change someone’s eternal life. If anything, I’m beginning to understand that living in small circles is no longer an option when we become cognizant of the truth that souls are at stake. 

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Britney Rose Ditzig

Eventually, feelings of inadequacy and lack of accomplishment started to creep in. Sometimes, I’d be ashamed of how foolish I looked chasing one thing after the next. One afternoon after buying another domain, I finally admitted to my mentor that it felt as if I had been chasing wind. I was running all over the place and always starting something new. I was living in extremely high highs and very low lows. In this place, I asked her, would I ever be able to do what I said I was going to do?

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Britney Rose Ditzig

Something human in me wants to make this complicated but God’s love is rather simple. You don’t need to memorize half the Bible to make a a difference in His Kingdom. You simply have to show up, be kind, remain aware, and know that right where you are is exactly where you’re supposed to be. The world looks different when we remain present, In His presence.

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Britney Rose Ditzig

I’m not a gray kind of girl. I love black and white, I love to know what’s working and what isn’t. I love to know what I should pick up and what I should set down. I have an unnatural ability to stick to something and I have an unnatural ability to walk away from something. The majority of my life I have lived in these extremes, either all in or completely out. But lately, God has been teaching me about this area He calls, gray.

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Britney Rose Ditzig

In the past, I’d pay my credit card with what was left from the week. Which let’s be honest; was barely anything. Rearranging my priorities to give, save, then spend forced me to decide for I drafted. 

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Britney Rose Ditzig

“Here is the deal. If you don’t do the things God is asking you to do, He will choose someone else. You have a voice and you have a life, you’re going to have to step forward and know He is there. Don’t waste it babe.”

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Britney Rose Ditzig
But will God be good to me?

I struggle praying specific prayers. I know we are told, that if we “ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” (1 John 5:14) But, praying specific prayers makes me painfully aware of how skewed my view of God really is. These prayers leave me wondering, I know God is good but is He really going to be good to me? What if I ask and He let’s me down? What if He doesn’t come through? What if this is the one time He forgets about the intricate details of my life?

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Britney Rose Ditzig