Is it working?

This past weekend, I got the chance to watch Old Dominion perform live. At one point, mid way through the show, they pulled three chairs to the center of the stage and posed to the crowd one question, “How do you know it’s working?“

They proceeded to tell the story of how they began. For 10 years every song they wrote, was sang by someone else. He told us how they had begged producers to give them a shot and time after time, their hard work was handed over to someone else.

For three years leading up to this moment, the show had never been their own. Always chosen to open for others and then asked take a seat.

Then, Matthew Ramsey, the lead singer of their band said something profound. He said, “the only way to know if something is working is to go back where it first began. This show, is a watermark moment for us. That signifies where we’ve been and exemplifies where we are headed.”

Instantly, in the middle of a sold out arena, I thought about Peter and the water mark moments of his life.

One of the most fascinating things I’ve found in the Gospel is how differently people recall what happened. For example, in the book of Matthew, Peter walking on water is accounted for. We know, “he got out of the boat, walked on water, and came towards Jesus.” (Matthew 14:30) However, in Mark (which is said to be the Gospel according to Peter), Peter walking on water is never mentioned. In fact, it goes directly from the storm to Jesus climbing in the boat. (Mark 6:51)

But, I think Peter was on to something in the telling of His story. Maybe, to move forward, we have to be willing to go back to where the storm began. Maybe walking in faith is less about changing places and more about inviting His presence to the very place we are in.

The answer to “is it working?” doesn’t come with a change of circumstance, a change of surrounding, or a change of storm. This answer comes when we’re willing to courageously sit in The Center and humbly proclaim, I’ve been here before but something is different. Something in me is forever changed.

Dear God, keep fresh on our spirit the ways in which we first began. Give us wisdom to change our perspective in light of Your Presence. More than anything, let us never take for granted the grace you give in abundance and let us always be a vessel into the grace you love to give ♥️

Britney Rose Ditzig