
Back in July, I went through the house buying process. After crunching numbers and putting a plan in place, I decided not to go through with it and spent the next couple weeks grieving the picture in my head of what my home would look like.

On July 28th 2018, in my moments of grief I wrote this. “God, you know I trust you in all of this, it’s just hard to see. Can we dream? This is so silly I know but I really want to be on the water. I feel you most when I’m there. Also, God, I’d love to live with other women on fire for You. It’s important, it really matters to me. One last dream and I’ll let you go. I want mason jar cups. Love your love the most, Brit.” I set that prayer aside and quite frankly, I let that dream diminish in my own hands. Even though I know, He can do all things. Sometimes, I have a hard time believing that He can do all things for me.

Then, at the end of January I got a text from a friend asking me if I’d be interested in moving. Oddly enough, the house was on the water and i’d be living with one other girl from church. Within one week my lease was signed and within two weeks my stuff was unpacked. The night I moved in, I went to the cabinet to get a cup for water and you’ll never guess what kind of cups lined the first shelf. Mason Jars.

Flash forward to this morning as I’m nearing the end of Exodus. Moment of truth, for someone who really loves God’s Word. It’s been tough for me to read through these chapters without dozing off for a minute or five.

Until today, for the life of me, I couldn’t understand why God decided to write in the Bible over and over again what color each thread was, what cloth came from who, and why Gold, Blue, Purple, and Scarlet are the primary colors He chose. So many times over the last few days I’d catch myself saying, “God why does this even matter? Where’s the cloud that’s about to lead them? Show me the good stuff!”

Then I heard His gentle whisper, “because details really matter to me.” 

Instantly, I thought about the last month and how the detail of my prayer gave God the permission to show up in a divine way. Had I not have been clear in telling God my greatest desires, I could have easily missed the true gift of knowing that all this was from Him. (James 1:17) Without details it is easy to mistake The Divine for the mundane. I’m learning, there is an equal balance of specificity and surrender that must exist in our walk with Him because He is always listening.

Holly and I are still laughing about the intricate detail that can’t be mistaken for anything but God’s handiwork. Five words have rung true in our house, “you can’t make this up.”

What if, we began to cast our confidence in His truth that He really is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. (Ephesians 3:20) If we are willing to ask. How different might our world look if we began to see the intricate details as the handiwork of God?

Britney Rose Ditzig