
Im sitting in the midst of chaos as I become keenly aware of the repercussions a delay can bring forth. As the flight attendant announces a five hour delay I watch one woman push her way to the front of the plane. She rushes off the plane and I watch those around her grow impatient, angry, and restless.

I’m tempted to give into the frustration of delay. I’m tempted to wonder when I will get where I am going. I’m tempted to take a long, exasperated sigh and tell the woman in the blue vest how much I have planned. I’m tempted to over exaggerate my need to be somewhere else.

Delays have this effect on us. Delays have a way of making us feel as if we are not where we need to be.

As the tension increases, I hear Him say “when anxiety is great within you, My consolation will bring you joy.” (Psalm 94:19) .

Over the intercom, our flight attendant makes us aware that this flight will not be leaving because of a small glitch in the sensor. She invites us to visit a desk agent or call to rebook and then she prompts us to leave the plane. Instead, I sat there for a minute and just let people pass by. In this space, I sit, I breathe, and I wait. Confident that I will get where I need to be and still unsure of what that journey will entail.

This doesn’t seem like the most effective way to get where you’re going but I’ve flown enough to know that a chaotic spirit only leads to a longer delay.

As I got off the plane I couldn’t help but think of how one small sensor can change the entire course of a day. More importantly, had that broken sensor not have been detected before take off. The entire course of our lives and the lives of those around us could have been forever changed.

The more I think about it, the more I find. Delay isn’t about set back; it’s about set up.

It’s about double checking every sensor to ensure that when it’s time to take off you don’t crash and burn. It’s about learning how to handle chaotic circumstances with a calm spirit. It’s about learning to sit, breathe, and wait. Remaining confident in His truth that He will make firm the steps of those who delight in Him. (Psalm 37:23) Most importantly, it’s about waiting in His truth that where you are is exactly where you need to be.




In the midst of delay pocket this prayer:

Dear God,

Today, give me fortitude to follow where You lead and show me Your Divinity in the delay. Teach me how to sit in Your presence, breathe in Your spirit, and wait in Your nearness. Instill in me a new perspective that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Lord, I know that I may plan a way but it is You who establishes my steps. (Proverbs 16:9)


Britney Rose Ditzig