Consider The Source

Back in June, I brought my car in for an oil change. While there, I received a call that I’d need two new front tires because the treading was wearing thin. At the time, I didn’t have this money set aside and I asked her “how long do I have?” That day, she told me I had about 3,000 miles left before my car would be hazardous. I left with that day with the intention of having it done just a few weeks later but the 3,000 miles quickly came and went.

From there on out, every time I’d get in my car to go for another drive; my anxiety would creep in. I’d wonder, would this be the trip my car didn’t make it? Would this be the week it finally gave out? Now, I know what you’re thinking... why didn’t you just take it in? I wanted to, really I did! But every week I meant to take it in something else came up. Week after week I found my car at the bottom of my todo list. A couple weeks ago I finally got my car in and within the hour, Alan, my mechanic gave me a call.

He said “well, ya want the good news or the bad news?” Good news first, I said.

“Good news, you don’t need new tires. Actually your tires are in great condition. You’ve got another 10,000 miles at minimum. The bad news, whoever told you that you wouldn’t make it. They lied to you. I hate to break it to you but sometimes the people you trust... can’t be trusted.”

Initially, I was thrilled to save $800.00 but as I’ve processed this over the last few weeks I can’t help but wonder the opinions I have trusted that can’t be trusted. This thought forced me to reevaluate many other circumstances in my life that cause me to live anxiously, in fear of breaking down.

Proverbs 4:23 says, “keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts”.  So a question for me and a question for you. What anxious thoughts have leaked into our hearts that were a direct correlation to one opinion spoken over our journey? Have we put so much trust into the expertise of others that we have unintentionally ignored the Expert?

The Good News is that He is the Good News. You don’t need a brand new life in order to be raised to Life. He is in the process of making all things new. (Isaiah 43:18) But maybe, just maybe, it’s time to reconsider our sources and claim our identity back into The Source Himself.

Britney Rose Ditzig