
This year, I’ve been spending a lot of time working on calisthenics. Every morning, I save the last fifteen minutes in the gym for four things. Strength, balance, trial, and error.

One day while working on handstands, I was having a hard time finding my balance. Everytime I would kick up, I would immediately come down. Out of frustration, I sat on my knees and had an inclination to try kicking up from there. To my surprise, I immediately found my balance.

As I’ve practiced this skill over the last couple of weeks, I have found something so interesting about the placement of our hands. If you reach too far forward, you can’t make it off the ground. The only way for you to successfully get up, stay balanced, and hold still is to reach for what is directly in front of you.

I think in many ways our relationship with God is the same.

“We tend to use prayer as a last resort, but God wants it to be our first line of defense. We pray when there's nothing else we can do, but God wants us to pray before we do anything at all.

Most of us would prefer, however, to spend our time doing something that will get immediate results. We don't want to wait for God to resolve matters in His good time because His idea of 'good time' is seldom in sync with ours.” (Oswald Chambers)

I’ve learned, everytime we kick up in our own strength, we immediately come down. It’s only when we start on our knees that we tap into the balance and the power found in Him. Something in our stability shifts when we stop reaching too far forward and start reaching for The One directly in front of us.

Britney Rose Ditzig