
I met Jennifer just a couple of months ago when she wandered through the front doors of VOX. Prior to that week, God had relentlessly been pressing into me the importance of living in awareness and calling His children by name. I didn’t understand it then but I do now.

When Jennifer and I crossed paths in the women’s bathroom a few weeks ago, she told me how she felt it was time to be baptized and how excited she was to make this public declaration.

Then, she finished with this. “Ya know, if I hadn’t of met you on the first day. I don’t know if I would have come back. You saw me and you remembered my name and I can’t tell you the last time someone called me by name.”

Immediately, in the bright pink bathroom, she and I started to exchange tears and testimony’s as we talked about what it meant to follow Jesus and how she will be forever changed.

Last night, I had the honor to drive her and dry her off. Most importantly, I had the privilege of watching her come alive again in Him.

Since meeting Jennifer, I’ve come to learn that there is a catastrophic impact one person can have by clinging to what is comfortable. That living in awareness and pushing against what is convenient, really can change someone’s eternal life. If anything, I’m beginning to understand that living in small circles is no longer an option when we become cognizant of the truth that souls are at stake.



Dear God, in a world squandered with busyness, make me increasingly aware. Use me as a vessel into hearts that are broken, souls that are desolate, and lives that are lost. In a generation desperate to be remembered by name, give me courage to be a woman who lives for No Other Name. (Acts 4:12)


Britney Rose Ditzig