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“We must learn to live in the ordinary gray day according to what we saw on the mountain top.” -Oswald Chambers

This morning, as I went for a stroll by the water, the density of the fog caught me by surprise. The mile markers used in order to notify people of where they are at, found just a few hundred feet out, remain completely unseen. And as I stood on the shore, I was left looking at a lot of gray.

I’m not a gray kind of girl. I love black and white, I love to know what’s working and what isn’t. I love to know what I should pick up and what I should set down. I have an unnatural ability to stick to something and I have an unnatural ability to walk away from something. The majority of my life I have lived in these extremes, either all in or completely out. But lately, God has been teaching me about this area He calls, gray.

The gray area leaves me in limbo, it’s uncomfortable at most. Unsure of where my next step will be, it forces me to pray big prayers and wake with great anticipation. It necessitates my need to rely on Him who makes known to me the path of life (Psalm 16:11A) and reinforces me to remember, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ask, think, or imagine, according to His power that works in me. (Ephesians 3:20)

This same gray area has altered my view of expectations and stands as a persistent reminder that only He gives me a firm place to stand. (Psalm 40:2B) Reminding me of His simple truth that when things remain completely unseen because I dwell in Him, I know He dwells in me.

I don’t know if you’re living in the gray or stuck in the mere black and white. But, here is what I do know. It’s okay to live in the gray. It’s okay to take small steps of obedience and trust that He will set straight your ways. You’re not crazy to believe God is able to do far more than you could ever ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20) You’re not crazy to believe in the much more He promises to us. (Luke 11:13) Keep asking Him, keep seeking Him, and keep taking small steps towards the purpose He has placed in you.

Britney Rose Ditzig