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As the year began, I read a quote that said, “this year instead of looking down in judgement at all the new people in the gym. Smile, be kind, and welcome them into an atmosphere who encourages the small principle to take care of yourself.” This idea challenged me to remain aware, available, and encouraging in the gym.

Today, as I was leaving the gym a man stopped me and asked if he could give me a compliment. I hesitated for a second and before I could say yes, he spoke. He said, “you know, I can’t help but look across the gym every time you interact with someone new. You make being kind look so easy and it changes the atmosphere of this gym. I don’t know if you know this but no one ever spoke before you came. Now, I look forward to coming because I feel as if I belong.”

Let me just go ahead and say it, this was not the compliment I was expecting. However, his words really got me thinking. Have we, those who’s hope and joy comes from God, underestimated the power of our presence? Have we minimized the impact of the Gospel just by living unaware?

Something human in me wants to make this complicated but God’s love is rather simple. You don’t need to memorize half the Bible to make a a difference in His Kingdom. You simply have to show up, be kind, remain aware, and know that right where you are is exactly where you’re supposed to be. The world looks different when we remain present, In His presence.

Britney Rose Ditzig