the Right intention with the wrong destination; what I learned when I accidentally drove to Canada.

I accidentally drove 42 miles from the Canadian border last week. I wish I was kidding. I wish there was a surprise ending for this story but there isn't. Without thinking twice, I put my address into my cell phone, pressed go, and began to drive.

Ironically enough, I spent the entire drive to Rochester thinking about how many of us are actually living our dreams. In the midst of the exhaustion and the chaos, many of us are standing in the very thing we prayed so hard for.

In my early twenties, I dreamt of having a job that allowed me to travel. Sometimes, after spending days on the road and boarding another 6am flight, I forget that I am living in exactly what I wished for.

42 miles out, my friend asked, "are you sure you're almost home? I feel like that went by quick. Double check your destination." I tried to reassure her that I was definitely headed home yet still decided to double check. A long pause and a burst of laughter came from my end of the phone. She was right. Where I was headed indeed wasn't where I intended to go.

I made the turn around and began the additional 5 hour drive back home. My mind immediately shifted as I thought about how many times my dad tried to tell me, "pay attention to the directions. Your phone might fail you" and how many times I ignored his remarks. Throughout that drive I experienced what most would call three levels of grief. First, denial. Then, humor. Then, pure remorse. 

The remorse came around the 10PM hour when four deer jumped in front of my car. I slammed on the breaks and the horn, looked around to see there were no cars around and then continued on my way. After the break slam, I was done. Tears began to fall from my eyes as I screamed to Jesus, "I just want to be home. This isn't fun anymore. I'm tired, I can't see, and I didn't mean to go where I went." In some ways, I think Jesus enjoys speaking with me more when I am in utter despair. 

Instantly, I hear His voice remind me that the right intention with the wrong destination still won't get you where you need to go. I hate that I had to drive three hours in the wrong direction in order for me to hear Him so clearly and yet, I am glad I did. 

Because the truth is, we can spend a lot of time heading in the wrong direction if we are not paying attention to what is taking place around us. Casualness can be costly when it boils down to the purpose God has placed within us. It's so easy to get caught up with our own train of thought and never stop to think, "is where I am headed where I am supposed to be going?" 

When I think back on this day, I think about how different that day would have been if I didn't have someone asking, "are you sure you're going the right way?" How devastating it would be to pull up to someone else's house that isn't my home. It's here that I am reminded how crucial it is to have people in your corner who bypass your intention and remind you to double check your destination.