Since Christ dwells in you, His power is yours. (Galatians 2:20) Don’t waste it by just driving away.

As I was leaving Walmart I passed a homeless man named Ernie. His sign asked for money and I told him I didn’t have anything. I proceeded to ask him if there was anything in particular that I could be praying for. He said, “yes, I need shelter.” I agreed to pray and shortly after drove away.

I didn’t even make it through the first stop light before I felt God nudging me to turn around. I hesitated and continued to drive until two stop signs later when I decided to turn around.

I made it back to Ernie and put my car in park. I approached him and asked him if I could pray over his situation. Then, I placed both hands of mine on his shoulders and let the Holy Spirit lead.

As soon as I finished praying, in the middle of the highway, on a median too small for two. He hugged me and wept. I could feel his heart start to pound as his tears hit my shoulder. “I love you. I really really love you. Thank you for coming back and having faith to intercede on my behalf. You are the best part of my day" he said.

We hugged for a few minutes before parting ways. Even as I left, tears continued to run down his face.

I’m not telling you this story for my glory, I’m telling you this for His.

Friend, hear me when I tell you; you’re never too busy to stop and pray. Our mission isn’t to make it everywhere on time. Our mission is to use our time to spread God’s love everywhere we are.

Since Christ dwells in you, His power is yours. (Galatians 2:20) Don’t waste it by just driving away.