Upright and ready to go; how one flight attendants gentleness can reminds us that God is good.

This morning as I was taking off for a flight to California, I began to doze off before we even made it off the ground. My seat was only a few centimeters from being in the upright position. I woke up to the flight attendant pressing the back of my seat forward and holding down the button next to my hand. In a daze I looked at him as he said, “were getting ready for take off. I needed to make sure you were upright and ready to go.”

As he walked away, I thought about his gentle approach and his willingness to fix my posture to ensure my safety before we take off.

It’s here, in seat 38, I’m reminded of God’s gentle approach and His faithfulness to fix our posture ensuring safety before take off. Truth is, sometimes, in the waiting, I doze off. Sometimes when I get weary, I become unaware.

This morning, I’m thankful for a God who gently fixes us upright. Who loves us enough to say, “were getting ready for take off. I needed to make sure you were upright and ready to go.”


“To Him who led His people through the wilderness, For His lovingkindness is everlasting;” Psalm 136:16