God is not a rug to be ripped out from under you; He is A Rock in which you can stand on.

Last week just before leaving LA, I stopped to fill my rental car up with gas. The man in front of me carried on a light conversation to distract from the peddling going on around me. It was getting dark and I think he could sense my nerves setting in. He finished pumping gas before me, climbed in his car, and sat there.

Shortly after I finished pumping gas, I began fumbling outside of the car. I was frustrated that the receipt printer wasn’t working and when I got in my car, I didn’t even realize that I had forgotten to close the gas tank behind me.

He got out of his car, walked over and closed the gas tank for me. Not knowing what to expect I rolled down my window to thank him. He smiled at me and said, “I would never leave you alone in the dark. You need to know you’re safe. So go get what you need, I’ll wait. I’ll be right here. I’m in no rush.”

Lately, I’ve been realizing how distorted my view of God can be sometimes. There is something in me that lives with a constant fear that at any minute the rug will be ripped out from underneath my feet. Almost as if I believe that unlike this man, God wouldn’t wait for me.

As I’ve taken this fear to him morning after morning and night after night, I hear Him remind me that He is not a rug to be ripped out from under me. “Truly He is my Rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 62:6) There are no tricks when it comes to living in the grace of God. He is always intentional and diligently working everything together for His Glory.

Sometimes I need to be reminded that those words from that man, ring true from my Heavenly Father. That when things feel dark and I begin to fumble, He approaches my circumstance inevitably reminding me that, He will never leave me alone in the dark. (Joshua 1:5) In Him we are safe. (Psalm 121:7) We can get what we need because He is all that we need (Psalm 16:5) and as we press on, (Philippians 3:14) we can be still and know that He is unhurried and He is right here. (Isaiah 26:8)