“little by little, day by day, you will find that He came, that we may have life, and have it to the fullest”

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I haven’t snowboarded in over a decade but I was convinced, when I made my move to the East Coast, I’d ride again. So, I bought the board and since that day it’s been sitting in my room collecting dust for over a year. When it comes down to actually going, I’m quick to find one hundred excuses as to why I can’t. Either there is too much snow or not enough. Either I don’t have enough time or I don’t want to waste the whole day. Either there’s no one to go with or I want to go alone. Weekend after weekend, winter after winter, these excuses; much like the dust, pile up.

Just a few weeks before, I sat at my last mentor session of the year. Right before closing prayer, she took my hands and said, “here is the deal. If you don’t do the things God is asking you to do, He will send someone else. You have a voice and you have a life, you’re going to have to step forward and know He is there. Don’t waste it babe.”

Whether it be in our writing, our political position, the things we love to do, and the things we long to do. If we allow ourselves to be distracted by the reasons in which we can’t. We will miss the very essence that He can.

I don’t know how your year has begun, I don’t know if you set out to snowboard, write a book, spend more time with God, or invest more time with friends. But, here is what I do know; if we’re looking for an excuse, we will always find one. Our lives hold a magnificent purpose that we must be willing to step into. It might be ugly at first, it might not go as planned, it might not look how we think it should look, and it might take some time to “shake the dust off” (Matthew 10:14) but little by little, day by day, we will find truth in the simple fact that He came, that we may have life, and have it to the fullest (John 10:10B) and that’s exactly what He intends to give us.

Britney Rose Ditzig