But this story isn't about me and it's not even about Maria. There is a deeper purpose behind our friendship that lies in the purpose of planting. It's easy, in a world full of hurt, to shy away from talking about The Healer. We say things like, "I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable" and "I don't want to offend anyone",  to avoid introducing others to a Sovereign God who "restores us back to health and heals all of our wounds." (Jeremiah 30:17).

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Britney Rose Ditzig
Do It Again

"Do it again. I know it didn't go as planned last time but remember, I make everything perfect in it's time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). If you feel like you can't do it, it's because you can't. But, I can. (Philippians 4:13) So get back up and try again. It doesn't have to be perfect and it doesn't have to make sense. You don't have to begin with an end goal in mind, just begin. Make the choice to run the race that I have set for you and run it well. (Hebrews 12:1-3) You can't do this but I can. So, do it again. (Psalm 129:6b)

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Britney Rose Ditzig
Ask then listen

Remember when we were younger and we would pop in our new Kidz Bop CD into our Sony CD walkmens? More importantly, do you remember when the back of the CD would get scratched and it would start skipping!? It’s like you knew the song was going to skip but you didn’t know when so you kept listening. Then, just as you thought you were going to make it through the whole song… SKIP, SKIP, SKIPPPPPPPPP. That is my season.

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Britney Rose Ditzig
Just Be Still.

Over the last 40 days, God has been showing me in the most dramatic ways that what I want and what He knows I need are not the same thing. Who I am today and who He is calling me to be, have vastly different needs. If His Kingdom is going to endure forever then as His child, my time on earth has to not only be attainable but also sustainable. I can see God working, I can see Him moving, and I can see battles being won. Seeing God isn't something most people would attest to but in the stillness of these battles, I see Him moving. 

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Britney Rose Ditzig
To Face, Two Faces

If I am honest, this season has been really hard for me. Let me be clear, this has nothing to do with my career, my relationship, my friends, or my family. I have not experienced any sudden losses and for the most part, and my inner circle is stronger than it has ever been. Yet still, I am growing, coming to light with my past and speaking authentically with everyone around me. Honesty is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to encounter. Things hurt that haven’t hurt before and I am processing and unpacking decades of loneliness, shame, and abandonment fears. Even admitting that to my readers makes me cringe, there is nothing that whacks ya over the head quicker than the truth.

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Britney Rose Ditzig
Humility comes before honor.

Why did God put me on such a soul destructive road for so long? He knew my heart and every desire of my being before I even came into this world. He knew I was filling voids with things that could only be filled through Him. So why did it take Him so long to uncover what He already knew to be true? Wouldn't life have been a little easier on both of us had he of just safeguarded my path for me, corrected me abruptly when I made the wrong move and maneuvered my life in a way that didn't cause Him any pain? Or, one of my most recent realizations, has He been doing it all along?

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Britney Rose Ditzig
Divine Discernment

See, there are things this year, that you would never have known took place. We write, we film, we snap, we filter, and we facilitate what the world sees of our story. This year, as much joy and gladness it brought, has been full of serious struggle. 

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Britney Rose Ditzig