Wrapping Up 24

Sitting here in my flannel shirt with my dark blue jeans. I have fresh painted nails, and my black coffee. August 24th is always a bitter sweet day for me. Over the last 365 days I have seen some of the most amazing things, met the greatest people, and grown in ways I couldn't have imagined. 

There have been so many revelations in my life this year which makes me sad to see 24 go. Anyone who knows me, knows I don't take birthdays lightly. There is an underlying fact that there are thousands of people that were born into this world who never go to see this many days in their life. Gratefully, I am not one of them. Being here is an honor, getting to witness this life is something I don't take for granted. 

So, before we hang up the 24 shoes. I figured I would once again share with you some of the most important things I have learned this year. 

  1. Always take pictures by yourself: The tricky part about being in a relationship and doing really awesome things is that your significant other ends up being in every picture. If or when things end, you no longer want to have that picture framed hanging up. Don't be afraid to say "okay, one of just me"... just in case... ;)
  2. Taking care of yourself isn't part of your plan B: Being on the road 28 of the last 32 weeks I have learned that you have to take care of yourself first. Taking care of yourself first will allow you to take care of those around you better. 
  3. Remember, someone is looking up to you: You might think you are the devil in disguise but I can guarantee someone, somewhere, wants to be exactly like you. Don't forget that no matter what you do someone is looking at you thinking "I want to be like them when I grow up."
  4. Do things by yourself: One thing is guaranteed in this life. At some point in our life, someone that we depend on is going to die. Learn to be alone, experience things alone, eat alone, and just sit alone. Learning to be by yourself drives confidence around others and it is one value you can never out live. 
  5. The answer is almost always yes: Say yes to every crazy experience someone throws out at you. Skydive, take the vacation, move for a new job, go on a blind date... when it comes to these sporadic often frowned upon moments, the answer is always yes. 
  6. But know when to say no: Don't take promotions until you're ready, speak up if you are feeling burnt out, get out of that relationship you know is unhealthy, decline that call from your ex at 1 am. Even living a life full of yes's, you have to be able to say no.
  7. Don't take blunt counsel personally: ...or maybe you should. When someone who mentors you provides you with direction, incite, or just overall counsel, remember that it isn't personal. As humans, we tend to have tunnel vision and can only see the things we are focused on. Allow those around you to remind you when your life is seemingly off track. 
  8. Stop drinking so much:  I love vodka water and wine... I enjoy going out with some friends on a Friday night and open bar weddings. However, what I wasn't realizing earlier on this year is just how much my "one glass a night" escalated into more. Take a Friday off to go bowling or go rock climbing. The world is far too exciting to waste every waking moment of both your week and your weekend with a glass of wine. 
  9. Needing a job is not an excuse to allow people to treat you poorly: Anyone who knows me knows that I love my line of work. However, what I learned before making this move is that regardless of your ranking or your talent you do not deserve to be treated poorly. If a company treats you with disrespect. Speak up about it, monitor changes, and if nothing is addressed... walk away. 
  10. Be honest in the process: Nothing is worse than selling yourself for something that you aren't. I didn't learn until this year that saying in an interview process "I want you all to know, I am blunt and straight to the point... some may say I lack a filter. Also, I smack my gum." Makes for a MUCH smoother transition into a new team. 
  11. Work hard: Yes, I love days that I am in at 7 and out at 5. But, that isn't the reality of my everyday work load and I am fully aware of that. Some days require longer hours and when those days come (because they will) just do it. Optimism is contagious so while yes, the 16 hour days are exhausting, so is negativity... you've already got one fighting against you... do you really need two?
  12. Set attainable goals: One of my favorite quotes is "the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time." Life is comprised of goal after goal but if you only look at the big picture you will never get where you want to be. Set small attainable goals for yourself, celebrate your success, and start on the next goal.
  13. Faith isn't a small thing: I can't speak for everyone but at least for myself I tend to treat my faith as if it is a rider on an insurance policy. Who and what you believe in isn't a small thing tacked on into your life. It defines you and guides you throughout your everyday life. There is nothing small about it. 
  14. Don't be a dick: Be the type of person people look forward to seeing. There are enough jerks in the world and we really don't need any more. Be kind to people, say good morning, listen when others talk, and just don't be a dick. 
  15. Wake up early: Being on the road so much this year one thing I have learned is how crucial it is to wake up early. Take some time in solitude before your day gets ahold of you. Yes, this means a few extra coffees throughout the day but it will be worth it. 
  16. It's time to let it go: All of those really stupid, rather pointless grudges you are holding against someone from years ago... it's time to let that go. It is living rent free in your mind for no reason at all. Even if it requires you to have a ballsy conversation, do what you have to do so you can move on. 
  17. You never need a reason to walk away: Throughout my life I have been trained to think that for everything I don't want to experience, I need a reason why. What I have learned this year is that sometimes the simple answer of "I don't like how this makes me feel" is more than enough of a reason to walk away. 
  18. You can leave at any time: No one can tell you how your story is to be written or how it is going to go. At any moment in your life you have the power to say "yeah, nope, it's not going to happen like this" and leave.
  19. Integrity is key: Integrity has a few different meanings but I am talking about the act of being whole. It is crucial to your well being that your personal, professional, and private life all line up. 
  20. Sabbath is for the strong: Who talks about honoring the Sabbath anymore these days? It's a tradition that has been lost in our culture and never really found it's way back. To honor the Sabbath is giving you permission to pause, pray, and play. This routine makes from strong minded, well grounded, individuals. 
  21. You're not crazy: Well... maybe you are. But, when it comes to dreaming big and having ravishing goals for yourself... you're not crazy. You probably heard it a million times growing up but in case you forgot, you can do anything you want to do if you're willing to put in the work. 
  22. Do what you want to do: Don't allow yourself to get peer pressured into taking part of activities that you don't care to do. This one might be as simple as there is a baby shower and a birthday party but you really want to go hiking. Send a card and do what soothes your soul. In the long run, people won't remember. 
  23. People aren't worried about you: I tend to think that everyone around me is worried about a decision or choice that I make. Whether we are willing to admit it or not, we are all really focused on ourselves. Don't get so caught up when making a decision because you're worried "what will everyone think?" ... you know what everyone thinks? Whatever they are worried about... I can almost guarantee that it has nothing to do with you. 
  24. Don't put off doing things you are dying to do: This final one sums up my year. I am about to work through my 3rd bucket list. Don't spend so much time making money for your life that you forget to have one. Use your vacation days and do the things you want to do. At some point in your life you are going to stare death in the face and it's then that you will remember all the things you didn't make time to do. What's important in life? Life. That's what it boils down to... and you can't spend so much time planning one that you forget to do the things you plan. 

The last 365 days have been more than I could have ever asked for. I am so thankful for another year in the books and looking forward to the next year! If you haven't caught my 25 Bucket List make sure you do. Excited to take on this quarter life crisis! 



Britney Rose Ditzig