The Time You Don't Have.


"The tricky piece of time is that it is up to you to find it. Whether you think you have plenty of time or you think you have no time, you are right."  -Britney Ditzig

I have been really frustrated with myself lately. While there is nothing in my day that I want to for-go, I have been placed at a cross road that I must find the time in order to propel myself forward. Leading me to one major question, how do you find time in a schedule where you have no time available?

  1. Re-evaluate your routine: Determine the non-negotiable hobbies in your schedule. You should always have a hobby that makes you money, a hobby that expands your creativity, and a hobby that keeps you healthy.

  2. Re-define your personal development: The tricky piece of time is that it is up to you to find it. Whether you think you have plenty of time or you think you have no time, you are right. The easiest way to find time when there isn’t any is to think of your time as an affair. As my favorite Author Elizabeth Gilbert puts it, when someone is having an affair, they don’t complain that they only have 20 minutes together in a stair well. They will use every second of those 20 minutes to do whatever they feel is necessary. Have an affair with your time. Use those 20 minutes and do whatever it is you feel is necessary.

  3. Re-vive: What habits do you hold that say “making myself a priority is my priority”. Unless we make our mental health and personal wellbeing a priority, we will never have enough time. Take an extra 15 minutes in the morning to revive yourself and get quiet with the day. You wouldn’t dare walk into a room full of chicken pox to care for those diagnosed when you know you haven’t been vaccinated. Vaccinate yourself before taking care of those around you, revive what you plan to refine.


Britney Rose Ditzig