#19 Austin, TX (the big move)


"Sometimes, it takes a wake-up call, doesn't it? To alert us to the fact that we are hurrying through our lives instead of actually living them. That we are living the fast life instead of the good life." - Carl Honore

I have been really pressed to write about slowing down over the last 2 weeks. After a very lengthy journey across 3 states in 1 month, taking time to write has seemed almost impossible. Last weekend I was given the task to write down as many good things I noticed. In the wake of the Orlando shooting, the alligator incident, and the ins and outs of everyday life you can imagine this was no easy task. A lot has gone down in just 168 hours.

I have asked myself many times this week, where are the good things I can notice?

In a world so busy full of work-a-holic habits, self-infused goals, and constant interaction. It is easy to think that we have lost communication and connection. How do you feel for others what you blatantly can’t feel yourself?

So while some might hide behind their computer screens and bully people from afar. I wanted to point out the good things I have seen take place over the last week.

  1. Our country just stood behind one of the most controversial communities in our society. Whether you believe in gay marriage rights or not, you were for Orlando this past week. You grieved their losses and the children that were taken too soon. You grieved with their parents and friends because an instance like that is unimaginable. The idea that not only was our country brutally attacked but also that it attacked a controversial community. For 1 week you laid down your beliefs of right and wrong and you stood up for others. That is a good thing.
  2. Parents stood up for the silent. You know what went viral this week after the alligator incident? Not the negative things people were saying… it wasn’t the “where were the parents” comments that made national news. It was the parents that stood up and said “we grieve with you. We grieve for you and this was not your fault.” That is what made the headlining news. It was those articles that topped blog searches and discussions. This week our countries mothers and fathers were spotlighted for having each other’s backs. That is a good thing.
  3. We get to celebrate dads all over the world. It is no secret that one thing our country lacks more than anything else is father figured men. This Sunday and all week we have gotten to place a special emphasis on the men that rise and continue to rise to the occasion of being a father. There is a famous quote that says “any man can make a child but it takes a brave one to raise it.” There is nothing sweeter than watching families celebrate this brave and amazing role.

So, I know a lot of things are going on in this world. It is easy to believe that in a world so cruel we would ever find peace. But this week and this challenge I had, I seemed to find peace even in the most gut-wrenching circumstances.

It’s important for us to slow down and feel life with those around us. When we focus on the negative things going on, we are sure to find them. But, when we take the time to step back and realize how powerful and humble the trials make us… well, that is when our country stands as one and that is a good thing. 

Britney Rose Ditzig