#17 Dominican Republic

"We can't help everyone but everyone can help someone." - JFK


What difference will it really make?

I have asked myself this question many times. I am not talking about the long and heart wrenching Sarah McLaughlin videos either. I am talking about real life organizations making real life differences. Let's talk about helping countries in poverty and the difference it will really make.

It has almost been a year since my feet landed in Lesotho, South Africa. I am currently writing this from a king suite of another third world country, the Dominican Republic. We came here for a vacation and a chance to breath. But, as Trisha and I have discussed, we are leaving with a clearer sense of purpose and appreciation for America.

So, why does it matter? Why does donating to orphan and poverty care organizations make a difference? Between The Reclaimed project and Aspen Heights Awake, I have been extremely blessed with the opportunity to pore into many poverty driven communities. But let’s be honest, I really haven’t. I found myself constantly asking the question, what difference can I make?

After meeting our tour guide Roberto on our Samana Island tour, I want to give you a glimpse of the difference you and I can make.

Roberto is a 24-year-old Haitian man. He stands about 5 feet flat, has a contagious smile and an extremely driven personality. He has a 1-year-old daughter at home and did I mention, he was raised in an American funded school.

This American funded school clothed him, put books on his desk, food in his belly and gave him the opportunity to succeed. His education landed him a job in a third world country as a tour guide. I asked him if being raised in an American funded school offended him. (This was something I was always curious about) He laughed and said we are so grateful for it, you wouldn’t even be able to imagine.

This quick conversation forced me to take a glimpse into my own life. While I know with so many radical things taking place in America it is easy to put this on the back burner.

No, it is not our job to take care of other countries. No, it is not our job to adopt orphans. No, it is not our job to put food on their plate and shoes on their feet.

None of this is our job and you definitely don’t have to. But, you can. It is about saying yes to helping others because we would want the same.

It’s not about the organization or even the money. It is about the life change that takes place. I will be the first to admit that as an American it is hard to see the value of a dollar because they come and go so easy.

It takes such little money to feed, clothe and educate someone in a third world country. It is time for us to change out will to could.

What difference will it make?

Well, what difference could it make?

Britney Rose Ditzig