Let it be on the side of love.

If I get to Heaven and I have loved too many people - that is a risk I am willing to take.
— Brit D.

I remember the day so clearly to which my Aunt Sue commented on a picture of me from New Orleans. From the outside look in - it looked like adventure but she knew, from the inside looking out, it looked like being lost. She commented, “Hey girly! Worried about you - feels like there is always a drink in your hand. I hope you’re doing okay.” For a few days, I didn’t respond. Honestly, I. didn’t know how to respond. She was right; I was lost, lonely, with a well put together public image. Indeed, I was not okay.

Her words lingered in my spirit for weeks when I finally reached out to her and told her I wasn’t okay. After our conversation, I became more aware of my behavior but still found myself unable to change. Week after week she sent me encouragement, shared with me sunsets, and scripture to remind me of my purpose in Him.

It took me seven more months to come to the realization that the “wild and free” lifestyle I was living was really causing me to live bound in chains. What if, leading someone back to Christ - either for the fifteenth time or for the first was less about the verses you memorize and more about the kindness you show?

What does it look like to lead someone in kindness back to Christ?

On Episode #10, we’re going to dive into Romans 2:4B and John 8:1-10. My hope is that through these stories, we will find the courage to lead with kindness abounding in His love and grace.

Come Hangout on Episode #10!