Posts in Podcast
Let's Talk About Shame & Stuff

This week on Simply Put, one of my friends Bri and I are going to throw it back to the things we have learned from the roads we've walked. Our prayer is that this episode would meet you where you're at, give you encouragement for what you're walking through, and bring new insight into the real battles behind seeking Christ with your whole heart.

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Wait, this doesn't fit

This week, we're going to be taking a break from Romans and diving into the story of David & Goliath. Whether you've heard this story 1,000 times or just once - there is always new revelation found within the text! Come dive into 1 Samuel 17 with us!

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Peace, Hope, & A God Who Gives

On Episode #12 we're going to be digging into Romans 5:1-4 and looking specifically at the giving nature of God. On this episode, we'll talk about the way in which we tap into God's strength to rise.



“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we[c] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” (Romans 5:1-4)

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Believing in God vs. Believing God

Can we be honest for a few minutes? Many of us, if we're ugly honest, have spent our lives focused on the principle, "I believe in God because I want to go to Heaven." We've spent our lives so focused on making it to Heaven that we've bound ourselves up in a current hell. In Romans 4:3, we learn, "Abraham believed God" and I can't help but wonder, how much different would our lives be if we started believing God. If we started believing that He is good, He is for you, He is with you, and He loves you.

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Let it be on the side of love.

What if, leading someone back to Christ - either for the fifteenth time or for the first was less about the verses you memorize and more about the kindness you show? Honestly, what does it look like to lead someone in kindness back to Christ? On Episode #10, we’re going to dive into Romans 2:4B and John 8:1-10. My hope is that through these stories, we will find the courage to lead with kindness abounding in His love and grace.

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Let's Be Mutually Encouraged

One of the most difficult things about having such a young public platform is that there is a lot of maturing God intends for me to do. In the words of Albert Einstein, "the more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know." I've wrestled with this - so much of me wishes I didn't have to learn this stuff publicly. So much of we doesn't want to speak up and doesn't want to share. Then, there is a piece of me that truly believes that when we walk in transparency, we will become mutually encouraged by His correction in our lives.

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The Race Set For You

One of the most difficult things about having such a young public platform is that there is a lot of maturing God intends for me to do. In the words of Albert Einstein, "the more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know." I've wrestled with this - so much of me wishes I didn't have to learn this stuff publicly. So much of we doesn't want to speak up and doesn't want to share. Then, there is a piece of me that truly believes that when we walk in transparency, we will become mutually encouraged by His correction in our lives.

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