The Race Set For You

I messed up. I began looking at the race other women were running and deemed their strategy as mine. I started planning to launch two episodes a week. One episode on scripture and the other on implementation of that scripture. It sounds good, it sounds right, it sounds like hustle, it sounds beneficial except, it wasn't what God asked me to do.

Before Simply Put ever began God reaffirmed over and over again that it was not my job to give good advice but an honor to share God's wisdom. It was not my place to impart my strategy. It was only my place to embrace His sovereignty.

James 4:17 says, "If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them" through this verse I prayed for clarity. In His presence, I felt conviction.

From the outside looking in - launching these types of episodes didn't look like a sin but from the inside looking out I knew; it wasn't what He had asked me to do.

It's been five weeks since I've touched my microphone. Five weeks of receiving His grace and waiting in His presence for my next step.

One of the most difficult things about having such a young public platform is that there is a lot of maturing God intends for me to do. In the words of Albert Einstein, "the more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know." I've wrestled with this - so much of me wishes I didn't have to learn this stuff publicly. So much of we doesn't want to speak up and doesn't want to share. Then, there is a piece of me that truly believes that when we walk in transparency, we will become mutually encouraged by His correction in our lives.

There are 2 new episodes up. In the coming weeks, we're going to take a look at the book of Roman's. Learning more about the Goodness of God that Paul describes to the church in Rome. Hope everyone has a great week!