Made For This; Devotional Review

By nature, I wouldn't consider myself a Bible Studier. Don't get me wrong - I study the Bible... a lot and I love writing content that brings God's Word to light. But, something in me naturally rebels against being told what to read and answering a series of questions that have been asked. At the root of it, it's a pride issue. In my head, it sounds like this - "I don't need to answer that. I've already worked through this."

But, about a month ago, it felt as if I had hit a plateau in my walk with Christ. I was comfortable in my disciplines, consistent in seeking Him, but found myself constantly questioning what His purpose was for me.

At the same time all this was taking place, Jennie Allen (the first Bible Teacher I ever heard) released a new podcast called Made For This. The podcast hit home in so many ways that I decided to give in and Amazon Prime the devotional book to go along with it.

Allow me to be brutally honest here; the first few days of this devotional book were ugly for me. It required me to pray prayers that I didn't want to pray. It forced me to look at the dreams God had given me and open my hands up to anything that He wanted to do through me. Prayers like this require complete submission and total surrender. Some of the things God was revealing to me, some of the things He was asking me to handover, I didn’t necessarily like. However, what I’ve learned is this;

The only exercise that works 100 percent of the time to draw one close to the real God is risk. To risk is to willingly place your life in the hand of an unseen God and an unknown future, then watch Him come through. He starts to get real when you live like that.”

Throughout this study, He is bringing clarity to dreams that I have been afraid to dream. He is re-awakening my soul to His truth that "we are His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." (Ephesians 2:10)

I'm in Day 14 and this study hasn't gotten any easier. It provides me with new challenges, new stories, and requires me to look at God's Word in a new light. Constantly asking of me two questions, Who are You Lord and What do You want for me?

I don't recommend things lightly. I recognize that what works for one person isn't going to work for everyone. But, if you're feeling stuck - unsure - lost - purposeless - uncertain - unfocused - or just stagnant. I believe God's Word through the Made For This study will shine a light back into your life and remind you Whose you are.

xoxo, Brit