From sidewalk to sand

This morning while doing my quiet time by the water, my neighbor came up to me with his dog. As we spoke; the dog began digging a huge hole near his feet. Sand flew everywhere as my neighbor said, “I’m sorry, this is why we try to stay on the sidewalk - everywhere we go she loves to dig. I don’t let her onto the beach often for this exact reason. She’s getting better but we’re not there yet. I guess, if she’s gonna dig anywhere, I’m glad it’s at my feet.”

Can I be honest with you guys? He walked away but I’m still staring at the hole. I’m sitting here, staring at this sandy, messy, hole. Because, it reminds me all too much of my recent walk with Christ.

Sometimes, I get frustrated when God won’t let me into a certain area. I get discouraged when I’m on the sidewalk and I see the sand.

When I’m on the sidewalk, I’m composed and I continually ask God, “why can’t we be on the sand?” However, when I’m in the sand, I can get quickly carried away and begin digging holes at His feet.

This digging is inevitable even for the most mature believers. It comes when we get carried away by the abundance of new territory. But, in many ways, I believe God’s gentle whisper would sound much like my neighbor. “She’s getting better but we’re not there yet. I guess, if she’s gonna dig anywhere, I’m glad it’s at my feet.”


Dear ones, this is for you as much as it is for me. Let us stop digging and get back on the sidewalk. Let us still our hearts and focus on the last place we walked with Him well. Trust in the place God has you and seek out the power in His timing. We’re getting better but we’re not there yet and that’s okay. “In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:6) and if you’re going to dig, let it be at His feet.