You're speeding up and it's time to switch gears.

When I was 18 before heading back to college from Christmas vacation, I bought a stick shift car. At the time, I had no idea how to drive stick shift and I only had 12 hours back home to learn.

My dad spent six of those twelve hours teaching me that day. Over and over again he’d say, “you’re speeding up - switch gears. Ease off, lean in, listen closely so you know when you have to kick it in.”

Our time of teaching ran out and he ended with this “if you don’t know how to drive it before you leave. You’ll definitely know how to by the time you get home.” Then, twelve hours later I was on my way.

Yesterday, when a girlfriend asked me how everything has been - this was the only reference that came to mind.


I thought to myself, I’ve climbed into something outside of my comfort zone and quite honestly, I know the basics. I can hear the words of my Father repeat themselves, “you’re speeding up - switch gears. Ease off, lean in, listen closely so you know when you have to kick it in.” Also, I can hear His promise to be faithful anthem throughout my life, “if you don’t know how to drive it before you leave. You’ll definitely know how to by the time you get home.”


I think, we think, that we have to know more than the basics to get moving. We’re waiting for the right amount of time, the right amount of miles, or the right amount of comfort before we are willing to set out on the adventure He has called us to.

Friend, if that’s where you are - take heart. You’re speeding up and it’s time to switch gears. Ease off the break, lean in, and listen closely. Abide in His anthem of faithfulness and know that He isn’t just with you on the adventure but He is the adventure.


“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” -Isaiah 41:10