Some things aren't worth picking up...

The other morning as I was watching the sunrise, four women walked past me along the shoreline. They were sipping their coffee slowly and I could overhear them talking about their grandchildren. Just as they were walking by me, one of them stopped to pick up the rock in front of her. She held it in her hand as I heard her say, “well, this rock definitely wasn’t worth the effort” and she threw the rock back on the ground.

Lately, God has been teaching me more about His truth that His “yoke is easy and His burden is light” (Matthew 11:30) and just because His yoke is light, doesn’t mean we should make it heavy. Just because we have the capacity to carry what He has given us with strength. Doesn’t mean that we need to add more to our load.

I don’t know if this is a common misconception or just the way I tend to operate in my own life. But, there is this idea that if my life is manageable and I am not stressed; then I am doing something wrong. That I am either not working hard enough, not pushing myself far enough, or plain and simple; where I am at is just not enough.

That morning, as she walked away, I couldn’t help but reflect on her words. I began to wonder, what have I picked up that wasn’t worth the effort? What have I added to His yoke and His burden that feels heavy and unmanageable?

The truth, His “yoke is easy and His burden is light” (Matthew 11:30) so then why do we insist on choosing to pick up things that are heavy? Our life is full of rocks that are simply not worth the effort. Yet, in actuality, our life is built on The Rock, who absolutely is.

If you’re anything like me, maybe you need permission. Maybe, you need someone to tell you that it’s okay to let it go. So here it is, from me to you. Not everything you pick up is worth the effort. It’s okay to let things rest exactly where they have fallen. “there is no one Holy like The Lord, there is no one besides You; there is no Rock like our God.” (1 Samuel 2:2) There is no need to pick up other rocks when you are loved entirely by The Rock who doesn’t move.