Museum of Circumstances

God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.
— Charles Spurgeon

Last night, I laid in bed sleepless after church. Tears began to roll down my face as I thought about the upcoming week. This move has been a rollercoaster of emotions; so certain it is what He is asking me to do and so grieved by what He is asking me to step away from.

In effort to rest, I began crying out to Him for comfort but deeply wondering, "what if I never find anything like this again?" When that question relinquished itself from my lips, I felt the Holy Spirit invite me into the museum of these circumstances.

He reminded me of May 1st 2016 when I worshiped my last service at Pinelake Church. I wept as I walked out of the glass double doors hugging my community goodbye. When I left Mississippi I was convinced, "I would never find anything like this again." Then, I experienced His increase thousand-fold. (1 Deuteronomy 1:11)

One month later, I wandered into the doors of Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. They handed me my own coffee mug with coffee filled to the brim and from that day on; I was sold. Finally, I thought, this feels like home. Another move came and on December 18th 2016 I worshiped my last service at Gateway Church. That day, I wept as I walked out of the single wooden doors hugging my community goodbye. When I left Austin, I was convinced, "I would never find anything like this again." Then, I experienced His increase thousand-fold. (1 Deuteronomy 1:11)

This week, I will worship my last service at VOX Church. I’ve been weepy and continuously asking God, “what if I never find anything like this again” But, as He walked me through the museum of my circumstances, I felt a thousand-fold hope arise in my soul.

Here is what I am learning: When God asks us to take a step of faith we can rely on the simple truth that there is a museum of His faithfulness dating back generation after generation. Time and time again He has proven Himself to be diligent, detailed, omnipresent, kind, focused, loving, and wise.

I don't know what God is asking you to do . But, this is what I do know.

When we do as The Lord commands, He will "increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!" (Deuteronomy 1:11) Walk with Him, talk with Him, go where He asks you to go. Know that whatever road He is asking you to walk down, He has already gone before you. (Deuteronomy 31:8) You can walk, rest and know that with every step of faith you make, you will experience His increase thousand-fold.