Self Checkout

Those who wait on The Lord shall renew their strength. There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the Heavens.

A few days ago at Shop Rite, the lines were really long. I looked at the self-checkout line and it was completely empty. In my spirit, I knew that it would take me longer than I expected but still, I presumed thinking “that wait is ridiculous - I can do this faster than they can do all that” and made my way over to the self-checkout area.

I began scanning my items and just two almond milks in - it stopped me because the weight was off. The guy, walked over approved it and then I kept going. I keyed in the corn, cucumbers, and bananas - then, I needed to buy a bag. 

As the guy walked over to me in order to hand me the brown paper bag, I took a glance around the store. Every checkout line was empty and people were already on their way. I couldn’t help but pause to tell him; “I knew better than to try doing this by myself. This is what they do for a living and here I am, impatient and prideful thinking I can do it better” as I shook my head and let out a flustered laugh. 

I must have made it 15 yards out of the door before the Holy Spirit awakened me with a new revelation. 

See, what happened in the grocery store is what many of us do with God’s plan for our life. When He shows us what our next step is, and it requires more waiting than we had planned; we often think, “that’s ridiculous- I can do this faster” and proceed abiding by a will that is not His. 

In this rush, we get flustered when things don’t come through correctly. We get aggravated when we’re imbalanced, and we get humiliated once we realize how long it actually takes us to move forward while operating in our own strength. Forgetting the simple truth that apart from Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5) 

To the rushed spirit, here Him whisper this truth to you. Those who wait on The Lord shall renew their strength. There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the Heavens. So, there is no need to rush. You can trust and know that He has made everything beautiful in it’s time. (Isaiah 40:31A, Ecclesiastes 3:1,11A)