It was a long day

You know those moments where you're halfway through a mental breakdown indoors, and suddenly, it hits you – time to load up the kiddos and hit the road? So, we did just that. Podcast playing, iced coffee in hand, and passing chicken nuggets and fries like it's a drive-thru picnic. Levi glued to "Trash Truck," and Noah catching some Zs – chaos, but a beautiful chaos.

I can't help but think about friends who'd kill for the chaos of having two healthy but occasionally sick little ones. It doesn't make the hard days less hard, but it sure gives me a reality check.

Honestly, I might've yelled today. Or did I? The details are a blur, but let's just say, if I didn't, I definitely wanted to, or at least had a mini yell-fest in my head.

But hey, we made it outside for a whopping 20 minutes of fresh air – a mom win, right there. And seriously, warm weather, where you at? I miss you.

Oh, and who knew that one of the perks of motherhood is becoming a pro at cleaning up throw-up and banishing the smell in record time? Shoutout to Powder Tide, Dawn dish soap, hot water, and baking soda – you guys are lifesavers.

After all the chaos, I treated myself to a bath and then a quick shower. The house is finally in some semblance of order, and the boys are out like a light.

Anyways, it was a long day.

Britney Rose DitzigComment