What The Vision Doesn't Have To Be

I don’t want to get in the habit of saying yes to fear and no to God. So, we went for it.

Last night at the 10 year anniversary celebration of Great Lakes Church. Dave held up his first church plan. It didn’t have a million colors to make it appealing. It was simply the vision that God had given him, written down, and made plain.

He talked about how scared he was moving to Wisconsin, how uncertain he was in the unfolding of this plan but how certain he was that God had called him to this mission.

As he continued to speak, I could feel a knot in my stomach starting to form as God's word's from Habakkuk 2:2 rushed through my mind. "Write down the revelation and make it plain. This way, someone can run with it."

This statement is so simple and yet, it feels so complicated. Rather than making it plain I hesitate in development trying to make it appealing. This need for perfection creates a spiritual bottleneck. Leaving visions unwritten, dreams unknown, and revelations contained unable to run.


Now, I don't know what visions God has downloaded into your heart. I know that you're chosen but I don't know what for. I know you're called but I can't speak as to what you've been called to do.

Yet as I fumble my way through making it plain, here is what I'm learning;

The vision He's given you doesn't have to be published.
The vision He's given you doesn't have to be perfect.
The vision He's given you doesn't have to be progressive.
The vision He's given you doesn't have to be punctual.
The vision He's given you doesn't have to have all the pieces.
The vision He's given you just has to be made plain.

"For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay." (Habakkuk 2:3)

Britney Rose DitzigComment