Big, Specific, Prayers.

We should live our lives in a way that says, “if Jesus isn’t real - I look crazy.”

For the last two years I’ve struggled with the stories I share. There is a constant battle in my mind that falls between to thought patters.

“If I share these stories, I’ll have nothing new to write in a book.” And; “time is of the essence and the miraculous things that God has done must go forth.” 

With that being said, I’ve been harboring this story from my online community. I say this to warn you because I’m certain this story won’t expire. 

With that being said, here we go. 

Back in mid-September just before leaving to head to Breckenridge, Colorado for the week. A friend of mine stopped me as we were leaving yoga. She hugged me goodbye and then challenged me with three simple words. “Big, specific, prayers”. 

She referenced a scripture found in Daniel 10:12 when God says,  “do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.” Reminding me that God will come in response to the prayers we choose to pray. So pray big, specific, prayers. 

As I landed in Denver and continued to make my way to Breckenridge; those words echoed in my mind. I thought about all I could ask God for in the weekend. I wanted revelation and new insight. At the time, I was angry at Him for moving me back to Zion; I wanted to let that go too. But, of all the things I asked Him for, I landed on a moose.

That’s right, my big, specific, prayer was that God would send me a moose.

That Friday morning I woke up early and waited but the moose never came. I knew there wasn’t any water near our cabin and that the likelihood of a moose strolling by was slim to none. But deep down, I believed that God would send one and so rather than getting discouraged, I decided to be more detailed. 

As checkin group began that morning, I made a slightly humorous but hopeful statement that came out of left field. “Knowing God, He will send me a moose but He’ll probably do it while I’m in the hot tub. So that’s my new prayer, that God would send me a moose while I’m in the hot tub.” 

Honestly guys, I looked absolutely ridiculous. I looked as if I had straight up lost my mind. I was declaring it boldly. Telling people, “I know Gods character. It’s totally something He would do.” And deep down, I believed my prayer was not only heard but already on the way.

So, the next morning, I got up early again. However, this time, I began thanking God for the moose that was on the way. I remember praying so diligently, “God I’ve seen you move in miraculous ways time and time again. Lord, raise my faith to know everything under the sun is held in Your hand. Thank you for what you’re moving on my behalf.”

I went in to finish my quiet time then made my way down to the hot tub. It was around 6:30AM, the air was crisp, and the sky was barely lit. I stared at the mountains and the moon with my back pressed against the jets. I wish I could tell you that I was on the lookout, waiting in expectation for Him to move but that’s not what happened at all.

See just the day before, I had worked through multiple levels of anger, fear, resistance, and doubt. So that morning in the hot tub, God and I were hashing things out. 

Finally, I ran out of words. Adjusting my posture in the hot tub, I leaned my arms over the edge to peer out over the mountains. Except, my view was obstructed by a large, full rack, Colorado moose.

The moose and I both sat there for a second. I tried to wrap my brain around the specificity that this prayer was answered in. I was in the hot tub and in front of me was a moose. NOT JUST A MOOSE. A LARGE, FULL RACK, COLORADO MOOSE. Then as quick as he came, the moose strolled away. 
That moment, that day, is forever engrained into my spirit. So badly I want to live my whole life with this faith. So badly, I want you to know; you can live your life with this faith. 

God hears us. Not just one of us, not just some of us, not just certain prayers, not just simple prayers but every voice and every prayer.

He hears you. 

In Him, you have permission to pray big, specific, prayers. And oh dear friend, when you do, you can expect that God will move.


“Stay joined to me and let my teachings become part of you. Then you can pray for whatever you want, and your prayer will be answered.” - John‬ ‭15:7‬ ‭(CEV)

Britney Rose Ditzig