With Thanksgiving

A few months back while I was at a retreat in Colorado, our facilitator looked at me and said, "the devil isn't as creative as you've made him out to be." This comment sent me into a tailspin and I spent the next few weeks studying the devil.

Honestly, I've always protested this type of research. Many times bringing me to the point of tears. I'd say, "there is so many great and wonderful things in The Bible. Why do we spend all of our time focusing on the enemy?" I still believe this but overtime, my thought patterns on this type of Biblical research have begun to change.

In high school, my cheerleading coach used to make us watch video footage of the schools that we were coming up against. She wanted us to know what to expect when it came time to take the floor.

For that same reason, Jesus says this, 'Hey team, listen up and take notes; the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. Don't get caught off guard by his footwork, he's only got three moves. I came so you know that the game has already been won. Play smart, now, let's take the floor ' (John 10:10)

Now, I won't go into everything that I found throughout that study. Here's a podcast for that. But today, with Thanksgiving just a few weeks away. I want to talk about how thankful I am for thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving, not the turkey dinner. Can be defined as "the expression of gratitude towards God." This type of expression is easy to do when things are going well.

Cancer free, thanks God.
New job, thanks God.
Baby is born, thanks God.
Bought a new house, thanks God.
Got into college, thanks God.
Loved one lives, thanks God.

But, what about when things are falling apart?

The Cancer spreads.
We're laid-off.
A child dies.
Our house is foreclosed on.
We're forced to drop out of college.
We experience an unexpected death.
And the list goes on...

God, how do we respond?

His answer. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, bring your requests to God." (Philippians 4:6-7)

Now, if we're not careful we can miss this. So lean in close.

In 1 Peter 5:8, Peter tells us "the enemy prowls around like a lion looking for his prey." All this means is that he is watching how you respond to what is thrown your way. When our outward expression signifies anger, resentment, or discontent; that's what he sees. The enemy is not omnipresent, he does not know what you're thinking, nor does he know how you're feeling. All he knows is how you respond.

This is why this matters. This is why thanksgiving is such a big deal.

Friend, God doesn't need your praise. He's looking for your focus. He isn't asking us to sing songs of thanksgiving because Heaven is of lack. He's asking us to sing sons of thanksgiving because we're under strategic attack. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is His will for your life. Don't be anxious about what's to come. Rather in everything you face, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, bring what you need to the feet of God. (1 Thessalonians 5:18, Philippians 4:6-7) Resting assured that He will, just be still. (Exodus 14:14

Britney Rose DitzigComment