#12 Chicago Round 2


"I have always heard that a best friend walks in, when the rest of the world walks out. But, I want you to know that if the rest of the world walked out on you. I wouldn't be walking. I would be in a full out sprint." - Brit

I don’t know who takes a 2-hour car trip and 12-hour bus ride home for the weekend, but I did. I called this trip, Chicago round 2.

I went home for one main reason. For the first time in our adult lives, my best friend and I are at the same place in life. I couldn’t miss it

As we headed home from The City on Friday night our 3AM conversation became a little more heartfelt the longer we drove. Somewhere between that drive home and taco bell by the fireplace, I got a nudge to write this.

So here it is. The 5 things I want my best friend to know after a break-up.

  1. You are valued- This is something I know you know but in the midst of break ups we forget. To be valued is to be something that carries a significant purpose and is to be treasured. You are that, if not more.
  2. You didn’t make the wrong decision- I think of “It Takes Two” when I think about a break up in your 20’s. The part specifically where the canoes are falling and one of the Olsen twins yell “aw man, it was so close.” So, here is your reminder. You made the right decision, your kids, your husband, your soul, and the rest of your future will thank you for it. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.
  3. You are allowed to have high standards- Not everyone can have these. I will just go ahead and say it. Some women are manipulative, demanding, disrespectful, abusive, annoying… (I will stop there) But you are not. In fact, you’re quite the opposite. So, your standards can be high and you deserve to keep them there.
  4. You can call me when you are sad- Since we were 4 we have shared more good times than either of us can count. Sometimes, it only feels like we hear about the good stuff. So, I want you to know, my ear is the same when your happy as it is when you’re sad. Whether it is 3PM or 3AM I don’t expect you to overcome this alone. So, I am here, always.
  5. I love you. – I am not your parent’s, I don’t love you unconditionally. I love you conditionally. And those conditions are that no matter what happens we have each other’s backs, and when life get’s tough, one of us will step in. I don’t know where life is going to take us. But I promise to love you conditionally, as long as you keep being my best friend.
Britney Rose Ditzig