Burned candles and buildings

Hey friend,

This week, I got to celebrate my 28th birthday. It was a weird week, to say the least, as the community to which I work and play also experienced the shooting of Jacob Blake. Early Monday morning, God brought me back to the story of Habakkuk. Which, if you know me then you know, is my favorite book in The Bible. I talk about it so much because I love the authenticity that comes through Habakkuk's words. He doesn't start off by telling God how thankful he is, all he loves about his life and all he has to look forward to. No, Habakkuk gets straight to the point by saying, "God, how long do I have to cry out for help before you listen?" Then goes on to tell us all about the devastation that's taking place around him. When God finally responds, He doesn't even answer Habakkuk's question. Rather, God reminds Habakkuk who He is. 

He tells Habakkuk, "Look, I will do such great things with your life that even if I told you, you wouldn't believe me." (Habakkuk 1:5) If I'm not careful to read the whole story, I will get stuck right here. Yet as we read on, we learn, God will use the devastation, destruction, and quarrels for His Glory. But in the moment, Habakkuk is left wondering if God really knows what He is doing. 

Maybe, you can relate? 

See. we pray for change then when things start changing, wonder why God is changing things up. I think if we're honest, we prefer the consistency of comfort even if it comes with a toxic cost. Throughout the last two years, I've had to learn this truth in the most painful ways. I wrote earlier this week that, when we ask God to move, we don’t get the luxury of telling Him how.

Sometimes, He will move you.
Sometimes, a loved one will die.
Sometimes, a friendship will end.
Sometimes, a rumor will be spread.
Sometimes, things will burn.
Sometimes, cancer will progress.
Sometimes, things get worse.
Sometimes, you can’t see Him.
Sometimes, you can’t feel Him.
All the time, He’s there.

Friend, I don't know what you've experienced this week, this month, this summer, or this year. I don't know what change you've encountered and what change you've embraced. What I do know, is that change will never look like what you thought it would. It will be messy and it might hurt. You might hit a mountain top then plummet into a valley. Regardless of where you find yourself, despite what you've walked through. I want you to know that God still cares. He cares about the desires of your heart even when you stop. He loves watching you grow even when you feel stuck. He hasn't stopped making all things new and He hasn't quit using change to ensure He is your constant.