He Chooses You

Earlier last week my mom and I started watching CHEER on Netflix. Throughout the entire first episode, we were looking at each other saying “this is so dumb.” By the time we made it to the last episode, we were teary-eyed watching them perform. Having learned their stories and seen what they had to overcome in order to be on the mat was remarkable.

But that’s not where we’re going today.

In this documentary, we were introduced to a girl named Morgan and if I had to describe her in 3 words I’d say she is willing, resilient, and trustworthy.

During one of their practices, the main girl for the entire routine was injured. Monica, their coach, was forced to find someone to put in her place. She chose Morgan and along with her choice she said, “I chose Morgan because I know she can do it. She isn’t a quitter and if anyone’s going to fight for it, it’ll be her. Her primary aim is to make me proud and I know she will keep working at it until it’s exactly like I need it to be. Whether Morgan thinks that she can or thinks that she can't isn't really up for discussion. I already know she's going to do it and she's going to be great. 

When Monica finally asked Morgan if she’d be willing to do it. Morgan hesitated then smiled and said, “yeah no problem, I can do that.” A few seconds later they cut to another scene where she was confessing to the camera crew, “ya know - I’ve never done it before and I’m not sure how it’ll go but I know Monica wouldn’t ask me to do something that she knows I’m not capable of. I trust her and so if she’s asking me to do it then I guess I can.”

Fast forward through a couple of falls and a pretty serious rib injury. Morgan does exactly what Monica needed her to do and she does it with perfection.

In that same breath, I’ve been reading the book of Job. It’s a story filled with total devastation and then complete restoration. But one fact, in particular, grabbed my attention this time through.

At the beginning of Job it seems as if the devil and God are having a conversation. The devil is looking for someone he can test and God offers up Job. This detail is important because many of us would think that the devil asked about Job. But rather, God is the one who brought Him up. The devil asks, “who can I test?” And God says “what about my servant Job?” The devil takes God up on His offer and sends Job through an unbelievable and excruciating season of loss. Just to give you a glimpse at the level of devastation. In one day Job loses his kids, his animals, his camels, and his servants.

When I think about this story, I think about how much trust had to of been built between Job and God. God must have known that Job would be willing. God must have known that Job would be resilient. God must have known that Job would be open. God must have known that Job would be trustworthy. God must have known that Job could do exactly what He needed him to do.

Now, here’s where I’m going with this. By no means am I comparing Job to Morgan as I completely understand that there is a big difference between a dropped stunt and a weary soul. But in essence, the heart of this matter is the same.

I know it’s hard to wrap our brains around but what if, what we’re experiencing right now, isn't a result of consequence but rather His trust in our competence. What if, just WHAT IF, at this moment, He is saying to The Heavens:

“I chose ___________ because I know they can do it. They’re not a quitter and if anyone’s going to fight for it, it’ll be them. Their primary aim is to make me proud and I know they’ll keep working at it until it’s exactly like I need it to be. Whether ___________ thinks they can or thinks that they can't isn't really up for discussion. I already know they're going to do it and they're going to do great."

Britney Rose DitzigComment