Big God, little details.

About a month ago, my mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday. We began talking about the possibility of a conference ticket I wanted but before committing, I asked her for a few days to ask God about what He’d like for me to do.

Moment of truth, at the time, this seemed so silly to me. Over and over again I thought to myself, “it’s a birthday present Brit - what you decide to do is up to you. this is not a big deal” but everything in my spirit kept leading towards Matthew 6:33, “but seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” So as silly as I felt, I began to pray.

The next day I was driving with Bru and out of the blue I blurted out, “I think God is asking me to play guitar. Is that weird?” She looked at me, laughed and said “weird but not unlike God. If it’s from Him, He’ll show you.” I didn’t argue, I knew she was right. We laughed, blew it off, and quickly changed the subject.

Early that next Saturday morning my friend Grace showed up for coffee at my house. We were standing in my kitchen and abruptly she blurted out, “I don’t know why but I was leaving this morning and the Holy Spirit told me to bring my guitar. I’ve never left the house with it but I have it!” Instantly my mouth dropped open as I reflected on my seemingly insignificant comment two days before. We sat, we played, and I resolved that I’d use my birthday money to get a guitar.

When I arrived home my mom and I made a beeline for the guitar store. We tested different shapes and sizes but the one I wanted, they didn’t have. He agreed to call me when the next shipment came and we left the guitar store, guitarless.

A few days later, my friend Bree and I were getting coffee. I told her about the guitar adventure in pure awe of the ways in which God had revealed Himself. She laughed and said, “I’ve got a guitar at home I’ve never touched. It’s out of tune and has collected dust but if you want it, it’s yours.” That night, I went home, tuned up a dear friends old guitar, and I haven’t stopped playing it since.

For many us, we’ve been been brought up with a mentality that believes, “good things come to those who hustle. You want it, go get it” and by taking this heart posture for truth we’ve bypassed God’s promise. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Luke 11: 9-10)

There’s something so human in us that doesn’t want to believe this is who God is. If we’re honest, most of us believe that our Big God doesn’t care about little details.

But friend, here’s what I’m learning; there is an art to percolation and an undeniable confidence that comes when you leave the details in God’s hand. There is humor, adventure, and joy that present itself when we let God carry us from one inclination to the next.

Pray the silly prayers.

Pray the ugly prayers.

Pray the big prayers.

Pray the small prayers.

Pray the prayers you think don’t matter.

Pray the prayers you believe do.

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” (1 John 5:14)

Britney Rose DitzigComment