Darkness to focus not to fear

This morning, I got to tag along on a sunrise hike with a few people from Flat Iron Community Church . Needless to say, the way up was dark. With flashlights in hand we made our way up the mountain, one large incline at a time. But, because of the darkness that surrounded us, the only thing we were able to see was exactly where our light was shining.

As I leveraged myself from one rock to the next, I felt increasingly thankful for the darkness that surrounded me. Had I of known what was up ahead, I’m not so certain that I would have had the mental capacity to continue. But, one rock at a time, focusing on where the light was shining, we made it to the top; just as the sun began to rise.

Figuratively speaking, I feel this parallel deep within my spirit. Regardless of how far I try to cast His light in me, there is only so far that I can see. The minute I stop looking at what’s directly in front of me, everything begins to seem dark, questionable and eerie. Rather quickly, I begin to doubt the path He has set before me and wonder if I’ll have the endurance to make it to the end.

In this moment, I hear Him whisper, it is I who goes before you and it is I who will be with you. Not for one minute will I leave you, not for one minute will I forget about you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, just stay focused on The Light that’s leading you. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

As He leads us from the valleys to the mountains and back down again, it’s easy to be discouraged by the darkness that surrounds. It’s instinct to question what lies ahead and doubt your endurance to finish the climb He has set before you.

But friend, might I submit for consideration - that the darkness that surrounds us isn’t there to instill fear but rather present to ensure focus. “To trust God in the light is nothing, but to trust Him in the dark is faith.” (C. Spurgeon) Hear Him whisper those very words to you, ‘it is He who goes before you and it is He who will be with you. Not for one minute will He leave you, not for one minute will He forget about you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, just stay focused on The Light that’s leading you. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Britney Rose DitzigComment