Go & Do

A few weeks ago I got an email from one of my higher-ups in a different student housing industry. He said, "you ready to come back yet? We've got a spot for you." I paused with the phone in my hand. My first reaction was "Yes! Familiarity and comfort sound good right about now!" But just as quickly as those thoughts flooded my mind, I felt a check in my spirit. 

Since relocating things have been all over the place. I'm a woman of consistency. I prefer color coded tabs, a well kept planner, and folders for everything taking place in my life. To give you more insight, one year I vowed to surrender my schedule to God. In doing so, I threw my planner into the ocean and had ice cream to celebrate. One week later, I ordered a new one on Amazon. What can I say? Your girl loves to plan ahead. 

But this season is weird. As much as I would love a set schedule, set income, and a heads up of what's coming my way. It's as if God has placed me in a holding pattern and whispered "do you trust me enough to stretch yourself without knowing what's ahead?"

I picked the phone up and quickly responded. "It's tempting but I'm good. Thank you for reaching out. Good luck with the search!" And went about my day. But since hitting send, I can't shake the temptation of comfort. 

When I think of temptation I think of alcohol, old relationships, gossip, etc. They are tangible, visibly destructive things that can distract you from doing all God has called you to do. However, comfort is different. Comfort is silent, it makes no objections, and inadvertently seems harmless. It's what we know and what we prefer but it's also what holds us back from experiencing the fullness of God.

As we close out this year, I've been wrestling with the right words to say. I believe in New Years Resolutions and the power of a new beginning. I know it's not easy. But I also know how different our lives are when we are willing to set our eyes on Jesus, step out of our comfort zone, and run full force into all He has planned for us. 

Hebrews 12:1 says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." 

And I pray those words would sink deep into the roots of your soul as you embark into the next few weeks. Friend, I don't know what's held you back every year. I don't know if it's a visible strong hold or the silent sin of comfort.

But here's my prayer for you:

I pray that whatever has held you back would no longer be a force. That through God's strength you'd find the courage to throw off the sin that easily binds us, cast it out, cut it loose, and let it go. I pray you find the boldness to forgive that person that caused mass devastation in your life and I pray that you make peace with your past. More than anything, I pray that even if it's uncomfortable and even if it doesn't make sense - that you'd set your eyes on Jesus and go where He calls you to go. Friend, even in this moment, there are things that you've been harboring out of fear, shame, uncertainty, and doubt. My prayer is that this year, you wouldn't count out what God is counting on. You are strong, you are capable, and you are so beyond called. Don't let the temptation of comfort keep you from experiencing all God has set aside for you.

 Set your eyes on Jesus, go and do. 
People need His story and it has to come from you.

Britney Rose DitzigComment