#1 Biloxi, MS


"Sometimes, all you need is 10 seconds of insane courage, and I promise it can change your life." - We Bought A Zoo

This is going to be a hard trip to ever put into words.

I have to say, the things that happened on this trip I don't recommend to anyone. I don't suggest you go and hang out with strangers and convince them to meet you in Orange Beach. But this is the trip 23 adventures transpired so I guess for that I will be forever thankful. As I was packing my bags to head home I couldn't stop laughing at the entire weekend, the most common phrase I kept catching myself saying was "what in the world was I thinking" nothing bad happened on this trip, in fact, it was the most fun vacation I had ever taken, but the things I did were pretty ballsy.

Let's be honest, my entire life I have been pretty mature. I was the kid always making the right decision, went to school, finished school, got a job, I mean basically my high school to college career was by the books. And I am so thankful for that. But now that I am 23 aside from a few dumb relationships I don't have very many moments to look back on and think, "what was I doing." (Except coloring my hair with permanent marker when I was 13... that was dumb) But this trip was the first exception to that.

This trip required me to trust my instincts and just go with it. Something I seem really good at but am usually a nervous wreck about. Legitimately my biggest takeaway was just that. Sometimes the things we do seem really dumb. Some of us, can auto correct that behavior others choose to go with it. I have lived my entire life on auto correct. But what I learned on this trip is that our greatest memories don't come from doing everything by the book. The memories we cherish are the ones where we ditch the book and trust our gut. 

Cheers to Adventure #1!

Next Stop: Pensacola, FL


Britney Rose Ditzig