#2 Pensacola, FL


"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all" - Helen Keller

When I got the invite "we are paddle boarding and hanging around the house Saturday if you can make it down." from one of my new friends I couldn't turn it away. While this adventure was not planned at all it was a blast!

While my Friday was spent at Gallery night in downtown Pensacola, Saturday and Sunday spent on a paddle board and by the water. The beach is always one of my favorite places to go. I think it is because when you are there you don't run on a time clock. There is nowhere that you necessarily have to be.

The more time you spend there, the more you realize that is how locals live and probably why they are all so relaxed. Many of the people you are going to meet at least in the Orange Beach area used to have a job and either 1. retired or 2. decided working wasn't for them so they just moved to the beach and work side jobs. Either way, they are doing exactly what they want to do.

I think my biggest takeaway from this trip is the lack of importance when it comes to plans. I am not saying that being late for your work meetings is cool... because it isn't. But what I am saying is that if you are anything like me you run on a clock. You do the same things, at the same time, on the same days. And that is all fine and dandy. But, even the most perfect schedule will never leave you feeling like you have enough time to get it completed. The fewer expectations you have when it comes to the outcome of a trip, the more you will get to experience.

Next Stop: Asheville, NC!


Britney Rose Ditzig