#9 Atlanta, GA


"You are being judged no matter where you are. So be where you want to be."

January 1st, 2016 I woke up at 8:31 with a plate of bacon next to my head. My slippers were snug on my feet and the sun coming through the panoramic window was hot on my face.

This is how my 2016 began.

I didn't really have much of a resolution for the year. I normally would say "I want to be a better version of myself." But, I like myself where I am at. So, I won't put any stress on her.

It wasn't until this morning that I finally decided on a resolution. A change I want to see in myself.

One of my girlfriends from high school who now lives in Atlanta invited me over for breakfast. As we chatted about the changes over the last few years and where our careers were headed I found myself more observant than I normally would be.

Here is a woman. My age. With a mortgage. A husband. And a handful of dogs. While this is not where I am at in life, it is where she is. Where she wants to be. And I was never given the right or privilege to place my two sense of someone else's path.

Her path was specifically picked by God, for her. Not me.

So, that is my New Years resolution. After witnessing 34 friends get engaged over the last 10 days. I am going to by passing the jokes. This year, I am going to by passing my secondary comments of where you are.

Because it is where you want to be.

I am going to choose to focus on my agenda and encourage you to embrace yours.

That is the most difficult thing about life. No matter where you are at, someone is going to say something.

I will more than likely continue on the next 365 days traveling, going on dates with strangers, working out, drinking lots of coffee, writing, working, and diving deeper into God's will for my life.

Because that is what I want to be doing.

So, I am taking the marriage jokes off the table. I am taking the uttering question in my mind of why so young? out of arms reach.

I will encourage my married and taken friends to be strong. I will encourage you to solve problems rather than avoid them. I will believe in you until you can believe in yourself.

I will encourage my single friends to stay picky and not settle. Don't be overcome with panic and loneliness when you see another birthday.  I will keep telling you that you are beautiful, important, and smart.

I will quit defending my phase of life. I will stand by it. I will talk about it. I will attest to it. But, I will not defend it. Rather, I will thank God that I get to live a different type of story for a different purpose He has set.

2016. I will let you be. And I will be. Because allowing ourselves to JUST BE is the best shot we have at creating our best legacy. 

Britney Rose Ditzig