#4 Austin, TX


"Travel isn't always pretty. It isn't always comfortable. Sometimes, in fact, its the opposite. But that's okay. The journey changes you -- and it should change you. It leaves little marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you, and hopefully, you leave something good behind." - Anthony Bourdain.

When I was packing for Austin I really didn't have a set agenda. (Not that I ever do) This trip was different then the other 3. Still an absolute blast but the vibes were different. When I took this picture I was only kidding. I had my selfie stick out and this lovely couple just happened to pop in the mix. I couldn't help but capture it. Because that is exactly how this week was for me.

It isn't a secret that I am best at being alone. Traveling alone, eating alone, taking pictures alone, exploring alone... I have without a doubt become my favorite person to hang out with. & I don't mean that in a narcissistic way. I just know that there are a lot of things I want to do in life and not enough time to find people to do them all with. 

That being said it is really easy for me to become self-infused when I am traveling. Some might say this is a bad thing. Slightly rude? Maybe selfish?  I am sure you could think of 100 other words that describe this as well. But, I deep down think the only reason this thought crosses people's minds is because they haven't spent the time doing what they truly want to do.

Doing what you want to do is strangely freeing. You get to see things you want to see, experience things you want to experience, nap when you want to nap.

This picture, I call the reverse photo bomb. Is what 99% of Americans do with their life. They bomb their own memories, without regard, and they never get to capture the things they want in their life. 

I keep getting a lot of feedback in the form of "you look so happy all the time." & while I have mastered the half-open smile with my selfie stick, it isn't something I have to pretend to be. In capturing these memories I get to capture me. I get to capture myself. Without stress. Without an agenda. Just enjoying my life. No reverse photo bomb. No secondary agenda.

This type of life is like having peanut butter on your burger. Can't knock it till ya try it!

Next Stop: New Orleans, LA!


Britney Rose Ditzig